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Bangladesh - Ghorashal Unit 4 Repowering Project

December 21, 2015

World Bank News Release: Loan and Credit Summary

WASHINGTON, December 21, 2015 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

Bangladesh - Ghorashal Unit 4 Repowering Project

IDA: US$217.00 million

Terms: Maturity = 38 years, Grace = 6 years

Project ID: P128012

Project Description: The project objective is to increase generation capacity and efficiency of the targeted power plant. The key activity of the proposed Project is to convert Unit 4, one of the four 210 MW gas-fired steam units at Ghorashal Power Station (GPS), into a combined cycle unit for an upgraded total capacity of about 400 MW+/-10%. The steam unit is currently generating 170MW and the overall efficiency of the unit is around 31%. The proposed Project would increase the overall efficiency of the unit to 54% and the generation output will also be more than doubled with only 18% increase in gas requirement. Fuel consumption (per GWh) would be reduced by 44%, which would also lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The Technical Assistance (TA) component would finance an Owner’s Engineer for the Project. This component would also focus on capacity building and institutional support to the power plant to help establish the technical and institutional capacity to operate the plant effectively and efficiently; and provide capacity and institutional support to Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) in addition to helping automate its financial reporting system. 



Media Contacts
Mehrin Mahbub
Tel : (880-2) 8159001
Yann Doignon
Tel : 202-473-3239

