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Morocco – Second Inclusive Green Growth Development Policy Loan

December 18, 2015

WASHINGTON, December 18, 2015 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved the following project:

Morocco – Second Inclusive Green Growth Development Policy Loan

Loan: US $300 million

Terms: Maturity 25 years, Grace 5 years

Project ID: P149747

Project Description: The Program promotes a more inclusive and effective protection of the poor and vulnerable. In particular, it contributes to improved incomes and livelihoods in rural areas, where a substantial part of Morocco’s poor and vulnerable live. The project supports a package of reforms pursuing three Program Development Objectives: i) better managing natural capital; ii) greening physical capital; and iii) strengthening and diversifying the rural economy by leveraging human capital.

Media Contacts
In Washington
William Stebbins
Tel : (202) 458-7883

