Indonesia - National Community Empowerment Program in Urban Areas for 2012-2015

November 20, 2012

IBRD Loan: US$266 million

Terms: Maturity = 24.5 years; Grace = 9 years

Project ID: P125405


Project Description: The objective of the project is to support the Republic of Indonesia in ensuring the urban poor benefit from improved local governance and living conditions. To achieve this objective, the project will: (a) strengthen and institutionalize elected representative organizations held accountable to communities; (b) provide grants to communities directly and transparently to finance an open menu of activities aimed at poverty alleviation; (c) enhance the capacity of central and local governments to partner with community organizations in public service provision; and (d) increase awareness of disaster risk mitigation and mainstream measures of resilience.


Media Contacts
In Washington
Marilene Montemayor
Tel : (202) 473-4709

