Nepal – Modernization of Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation Scheme - Phase 1

July 5, 2011

IDA Credit: US$23.6 Million Equivalent
Terms: Maturity = 40 years; Grace = 10 years
IDA Grant: US$19.4 Million Equivalent
Project ID: P118179

Project Description: The project objective is to support the modernization of the Rani Jamara Kulariya Irrigation system by substantially rehabilitating and upgrading the main and secondary irrigation and drainage systems and flood management infrastructure, and by training Water Users Associations to improve their ability to manage the water and maintain the infrastructure. It will also carry out a series of agriculture production support activities in the project area through demonstrations, farmers’ field schools, and other adaptive processes.

Media Contacts
Benjamin Crow
Tel : (202) 473-5105

