Senegal: Economic Governance Project

April 8, 2010

IDA Credit: US$8 million equivalent

Terms: Maturity = 40 years; Grace = 10 years

Project ID: P113801

Project Description: The objective of this project is to enhance the effectiveness of justice and improve the investment climate related to justice reform. The key expected outcomes of the project are (a) enhanced effectiveness of justice, as measured by the number of cases judged and the speed at which they are judged; (b) improved investment climate, as reflected by the number of commercial cases being enforced and the reduction in time to enforce these contracts and (c) strengthened CEDAF, as measured by its ISO 9001 quality management certification. Additionally, the Project will improve the effectiveness of two key economic governance agencies Cellule Nationale de Traitement des Informations Financières (CENTIF); and Investigation Unit of the Public Procurement Agency and an increase in the number of firms that adopt a no-bribes integrity pact and obtain an ethical business certification.

Media Contacts
Francois Gouahinga
Tel : (202) 473-0696

