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People's Republic of China – Ningbo New Countryside Development Project

February 25, 2010

IBRD Loan: US$50 million

Terms: Maturity = 30 years; Grace Period = 5 years

Project ID: P106956


Project Description: The project development objective is to improve rural wastewater management in selected villages and enhance infrastructure and township management in a small town, in support of the New Countryside Development (NCD) Program in the Ningbo Municipality. Implementation of rural wastewater management will take place in about 150 selected villages in six counties/cities/districts in Ningbo municipality using appropriate and sustainable technology and a program-based approach in participation with village communities. The loan will also support the Chunhu town infrastructure by improving the access road there and by supporting the Fenghua coastal water supply including Chunhu town distribution network renovation and expansion, and improving the Chunhu town wastewater management.

Media Contacts
In Washington DC
Mohamad Al-Arief
Tel : (202) 458-5964

