Mexico: Influenza Prevention and Control Project

November 24, 2009

IBRD Loan: US$491 million
Terms: Maturity = 18 years; Grace Period = N/A
Project ID: P116965
Project Description: The Influenza Prevention and Control Project for Mexico aims to finance the costs associated with the Mexican Government's effort to monitor and control the A/H1N1 influenza epidemic, which originated in Mexico in March of this year and has occasioned more than 350 fatalities in the country. Given that epidemiologists expect a second wave of influenza to hit Mexico during the winter, the Mexican Government has requested Bank support in strengthening its capacity to monitor the spread of the virus (and influenza viruses more generally) and to control influenza epidemic waves. The project will assist Mexico in improving its National Epidemiological Surveillance System (SINAVE) including the upgrading of the Borrower's national reference laboratory for epidemiological surveillance, strengthening the infrastructure to effectively distribute medicines, vaccines and medical supplies and replenishing and expanding the country's strategic reserves thereof.

Media Contacts
Stevan Jackson
Tel : 202-458-5054

