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Pakistan: Sindh Education Sector

June 4, 2009

IDA Credit: US$ million US$300 million equivalent
Terms: Maturity = 35 years; Grace period = 10 years
Project Description: The project will support the Government of Sindh's Medium-Term Education Sector Reform Program (SERP), which aims to increase school participation, reduce gender and rural-urban disparities, increase progression, and improve the measurement of student learning. Disbursements will be based on the achievement of pre-specified results, referred to as disbursement-linked indicators (DLIs), which reflect implementation performance indicators critical to the achievement of the project’s development outcomes. The DLIs are derived from the four broad areas of the government’s program, which aim to improve: (i) fiscal sustainability and the effectiveness of public expenditures including in education; (ii) education sector management; (iii) access to quality schooling with a particular focus on rural areas and girls; and (iv) the quality of teaching and student learning. The project also includes a small technical assistance (TA) component which will finance essential capacity building activities and strengthen fiduciary, safeguard and monitoring and evaluation systems.

Media Contacts
Jan Erik Nora
Tel : (202) 458 4735

