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Argentina: Mining Environmental Restoration Project

July 31, 2008

IBRD Loan: US$30 Million
TERMS: Maturity= 30 years; Grace= 5 years
Project Description: The Mining Environmental Restoration Project for Argentina aims to (a) strengthen Government of Argentina (GOA) capacity to assess and mitigate environmental risks associated with closed uranium mines, processing sites, and related mining sector investments, in accordance with international good practice; and (b) reduce the potential harm to the economy and to human health associated with a closed uranium milling site in Malargue and Mendoza. The project will fund remediation works, including the safe disposal of 710,000 tons of tailings and soils, structures to prevent groundwater contamination and dust, and measures to abate radiation and radon emissions. The project will also support mine restoration planning and institutional strengthening, provide technical assistance to study and design remediation options to clean up the additional sites, and support the environmental and social consultation processes required as per international best practice.

Media Contacts
Yanina Budkin
Tel : 54-11-4316-9724

