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China: China-GEF World Bank Urban Transport Partnership Project

June 24, 2008

GEF Grant: US$21 million

Project Description: This project aims to achieve a paradigm shift in China's urban transport and land-use policies and investments toward the promotion of public and non-motorized transport, modes that are less energy intensive and polluting than those fostered by current urban land-use planning and transport systems in China. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is strategy development and capacity building at the national level. This component will targets a set of activities toward the national government, to help facilitate an enabling national environment within which appropriate and sustainable urban transport initiatives can flourish. The second component of the project is pilot demonstration projects in 14 cities and 1 province. This component will targets a set of activities toward local governments, to help foster demonstration of catalytic interventions to maximize their capacity to be replicated. The third and the final component of the project is project management. This component will support the project office at the national level to implement the national component, as well as support and supervise the pilot cities component.


Media Contacts
In Beijing
Li Li
Tel : 86-10-5861 7850

