Nicaragua: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

June 12, 2008

IDA Credit: US$ 300, 000
TERMS: Maturity = 40 Years; Grace Period = 10 Years
IDA Grant: US$ 19.7 Million
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project aims to increase access by project beneficiaries to sustainable water and sanitation services in rural areas. There are four components to the project. The first component is coverage increase in rural areas. The second component is coverage increase in the south and north autonomous Atlantic regions. The third component involves pilot projects. This component seeks to develop a series of pilot projects, and the accompanying intervention strategies, making best use of the Bank's international experience and successful models developed in other countries in the region. Finally, the fourth component is institutional strengthening and project management.

Media Contacts
Stevan Jackson
Tel : (202) 458-5054

