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Indonesia: National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Areas Project

May 20, 2008

IBRD Loan: 52.86 Million USD$
TERMS: Maturity =22.5 Years; Grace Period = 12 Years
IDA Credit: 125 Million USD$
TERMS: Maturity =22.5 Years; Grace Period = 12 Years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Areas (PNPM's) aims to ensure that the urban poor benefit from improved socio-economic and local governance conditions. There are three components to the project. The first component of the project is community and local government capacity building. The second component of the project is Kelurahan grants and sub-loans: supporting block grants for kelurahans to execute the sub-projects identified in the community development plans. The third and the final component of the project is implementation and technical assistance.

Media Contacts
Mohamad Al Arief
Tel : (202) 458-5964

