Argentina - Sustainable Natural Resources Management

March 18, 2008

IBRD Loan: USD$56.41 million
TERMS: Maturity= 10 years Grace= 5 years
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Grant: USD$7 million
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project aims to improve the sustainable and efficient management of forest resources, conserve biodiversity in protected areas and forest landscapes, and integrate small producers into forestry development and conservation. The project is designed to focus on: (i) improving the policy and planning frameworks, (ii) strengthening institutional capacity at federal and provincial levels, (iii) upgrading park management capacity, infrastructure and sustainable development opportunities in and around parks, (iv) improving and promoting private forestry information delivery services, (v) assisting small and medium-scale farmers, land owners and producers to adopt sustainable forms of forestry, agriculture and agro forestry, (vi) institutionalizing environmental safeguards and incorporating best practices, and (vii) by encouraging more private-sector involvement in service provision.

Media Contacts
Gabriela Aguilar
Tel : (202) 473-6768

