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Mexico - Savings and Rural Financing SAGARPA Project - Additional Financing

January 17, 2008

IBRD Loan: USD$ 21 million
Terms: Maturity = 15 years; Grace = 5 years.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The objective of the project is to improve the financial stability and outreach capacity of the Savings and Credit Institutions (SCIs) throughout Mexico, with emphasis on those serving rural areas of the country, to thus contribute to the integration of low-income populations into the Mexican economy by increasing such populations’ access to financial services and consequently aid in the realization of such populations’ income-generating potential.” The Phase I project has four components to achieve the PDO, namely: (a) Consolidating sector institutions; (b) Expanding financial services in selected rural marginal areas; (c) Sector-related studies; and (d) Project Management and M&E.

Media Contacts
Gabriela Aguilar
Tel : (202) 473-6768

