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Mexico: Third Affordable Housing and Urban Poverty Reduction Development Policy Loan

November 27, 2007

IBRD LOAN: US$200.26 Million
TERMS: Maturity= 15 years ; Grace period= 5 years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The overall objective is to support the Government’s efforts to improve national policies and institutions for housing and urban development; make the federal housing system more efficient by designing and implementing a unified system of subsidies to facilitate access to housing by low-and moderate- income families; bolster systems for housing loans and savings and move them down-market; strengthen urban real property registries and rights; coordinate and support physical and social investments in poor neighbourhoods; increase the supply of and access to urban land for poor people and improve this market’s functioning; and increase capacity to prevent and manage the damage caused by natural disasters.

Media Contacts
Gabriela Aguilar
Tel : (202) 473-6768

