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Cameroon: Urban and Water Development Support Project

May 29, 2007

IDA CREDIT: US$80 million
TERMS: Grace period = 10 years; Maturity = 40 years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The main objective of this project is to increase access of the urban population, particularly those living in low income settlements, to basic infrastructure and services, including water supply in Cameroon. To achieve this objective, the project will provide capacity building in urban management and support the decentralization and completion of the national urban strategy. The project equally finances infrastructure works in low income settlements in Douala, Yaoundé, Bamenda, Mbalmayo and Maroua. In the water sector, the project provides support to water sector reforms, in particular the implementation of the public-private partnership in urban water services, the rehabilitation of urban water facilities and the expansion of secondary and tertiary distribution networks.

Media Contacts
Tim Carrington
Tel : (202) 473 8133

