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Argentina: Provincial Maternal-Child Health Investment Project- 2nd Phase

November 2, 2006

IBRD LOAN: US$300 million
TERMS: Grace period = 5 years; Maturity = 15years
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This second phase of the Provincial Maternal-Child Health Investment Project will support governmental efforts to improve access to basic health services for the uninsured population by expanding the Maternal Child Health Insurance Program (“Plan Nacer”) at the provincial level. This project will extend Plan Nacer coverage to about 1.7 million poor and uninsured mothers and children in the remaining 15 provinces in central and southern Argentina that did not participate in the first phase of the program, bringing the total number of beneficiaries to 2.5 million. A specific innovative aspect of the project is the shift from financing inputs to financing health outputs and outcomes.

Media Contacts
Alejandra Viveros
Tel : (202) 473-4306

