Megabus connects Pereira with Vietnam

June 6, 2013

  • A delegation from the city of Da Nang visited Pereira’s Megabus mass transit system.
  • Pereira’s experience will help them develop a similar project in that city.
  • In addition to operational aspects of the system, they were interested in how the community was involved.

A few days ago, a delegation from Da Nang, Vietnam, visited Pereira’s Megabus mass transit system.

Despite differences between the cities and countries, the visit to Megabus can help the Vietnamese develop a similar public transport project in Da Nang. That is why they found it useful to get to know the Pereira experience, including its accomplishments and challenges.

“We learned many lessons, among them the importance of the political will of the local and national governments to implement this type of project, community involvement, the positive community attitude regarding the system, and the use of technology,” said Dang Viet Dung, Director General of Transit of Da Nang.

In Vietnam about 80 percent of trips are by motorcycle, while in Pereira about 45 percent of the population uses public transport. However, Da Nang and Pereira are similar in terms of the size and width of their streets.

The project’s social involvement

An important part of the visit, in addition to riding the system, was to see how the public was involved in the project, through many community town meetings to explain the project, its impact and size in the city, and the follow-up provided for persons adversely affected by the construction of the works.

“In both countries there are households with various family members—grandparents, uncles and aunts, and parents—living under the same roof. The social involvement programs must take this and other factors into account so as not to break family ties when a project is implemented,” said Mauricio Cuellar, a World Bank transportation expert.

" We learned many lessons, among them the importance of the political will of the local and national governments to implement this type of project, involvement with the community, the positive community attitude regarding the system, and the use of technology.  "

Dang Viet Dung

Director General of Transit of Da Nang

The city of Pereira was chosen because of its urban and demographic similarity with Da Nang. A World Bank expert who had visited the system suggested to the Da Nang administrators that they travel to see Megabus.

More than 70 visits from all over the world

“The experience of visiting the terminal where there was an important recovery of public space,” said Cuellar, “boarding and riding the bus and seeing how these systems can be incorporated in a city were eye-opening elements that will enable them to replicate elements of this project under the characteristics and conditions of their city.”

The Vietnamese are not the first to visit Pereira. “More than 70 international delegations have seen our system as an appropriate model for application in their cities of origin,” said Megabus Manager Jorge Alexis Mejía.

Visits of this type can help to make quality public transport accessible for everyone, all over the world.

The World Bank in Colombia

The World Bank Group’s commitment to Colombia is structured around an innovative and thematic approach. For example, in urban development the model provides development solutions adapted to the country, with a package of financial services, technical assistance, and contracts.

