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Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Development Goal 1: End Poverty in all its Forms Everywhere

May 7, 2024
Geneva, Switzerland

High-Level Opening and Setting the Scene: Accelerating towards SDG1

9.00 AM - 9.30 AM CEST

Opening Remarks

9.30 AM - 10.45 AM

Where Are We Today in the Fight Against Global Poverty?

Thematic Discussions

11.00 AM - 12.30 PM

Thematic Discussion 1: Accelerating Progress Toward SDG1 in the Face of Climate Change

1.30 PM - 3.00 PM

Thematic Discussion 2:  Trade, Finance and the Challenge of Poverty Eradication

3.15 PM - 4.45 PM

Thematic Discussion 3: Social Protection to Ensure Leaving No One Behind

Looking to the Future

4.45 PM - 5.30 PM

Closing Remarks: Recommendations for the 2024 UN High-Level Political Forum