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Saving Nepal’s Tigers and Livelihoods

March 12, 2024
Facebook Live

Saving Nepal’s Tigers and Livelihoods shined a light on the collaborative endeavors of the government of Nepal, Nepali communities, and development partners such as the World Bank and WWF, in supporting the conservation of tigers and in fostering sustainable development, economic growth, resilience, and livelihoods in Nepal. 

The sessions explored Nepal's success and ongoing challenges in tiger conservation, and their significance in future development efforts. Additionally, the event will underscore the critical importance of biodiversity and natural capital for maintaining a livable planet and the pursuit of green, resilient, and inclusive development. This includes the conservation of nature while encouraging investments in nature-based tourism, human-wildlife co-existence, and the development of wildlife-friendly infrastructure. 

The event :

 (1) Engaged in a leaders’ dialogue with the Government of Nepal, CSOs, Development Partners, and the World Bank on Nepal’s experiences in tiger conservation, lessons learned, and current challenges; and (2) identified long-term solutions to boost public and private investments in protected areas so that Nepal can continue to deliver on the forest and biodiversity global challenge. 




Opening Session


Session 1: Putting Nature at the Heart of Nepal’s Development Efforts


Session 2: Looking Ahead: Nepal’s Economy, Nature, Biodiversity, and People


Session 3: Panel Discussion: Building on Nepal’s Natural Capital for Sustainable Development 


Closing Session

#SavingTigers&Livelihood #BankingOnTigers

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