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Human Capital Ministerial Conclave Annual Meetings 2023

October 13, 2023
Human Capital Annual Meetings 2023 Invitation Pack Image, it reads,

On October 13, 2023, 33 countries joined the Annual Meetings Human Capital Ministerial Conclave to discuss how to connect people to good jobs and empower entrepreneurs to innovate and fuel job growth. 

Ministers of Finance, Budget, and Planning from Egypt, Paraguay, Belgium, Pakistan, Djibouti, Fiji, and Kenya shared their country experiences during the discussions. Indonesia’s Minister of Finance also joined for a closing dialogue. World Bank Managing Director of Operations, Anna Bjerde, led the opening policy discussion, and Vice President of Human Development, Mamta Murthi, chaired the event and facilitated the second policy discussion and closing dialogue.

Connecting healthy, skilled, and innovative people to jobs allows them to use their human capital to forge better lives. 

  • Governments can help women and youth overcome barriers to work; upskill and reskill people through technical and vocational education and training; and develop local, regional, and international labor markets. 

  • The World Bank Group can support countries to launch inclusive job programs; create education and training systems relevant to employers today and tomorrow; and learn from programs that help skilled people move to opportunities. 

Equipping people with the know-how to be entrepreneurs enables them to launch the businesses that create jobs.

  • Governments can prioritize support to micro-entrepreneurs through programs such as social safety nets and design programs that focus on people who are often excluded from entrepreneurship. They also can expand entrepreneurial skills development programs and invest in research and development.

  • The World Bank Group can build entrepreneurship and productive inclusion programs; share knowledge on Universal Health Coverage and other risk management tools; and leverage education partnerships to forge innovations and jobs.