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Using standardized assessments results to improve learning: Opportunities for Central America

July 15-16, 2019

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala


Photo credit: Ministry of Education, Guatemala.

  • The conference brought together policy makers and assessment officials from the six Central America countries and practitioners from Argentina, Mexico and Chile.

    The objective of the conference was to move towards educational systems focused on student learning, by providing attendees with a roadmap to use the results of standardized assessments as a diagnostic tool to design school improvement plans and improve learning. The agenda focused on:

    1.    Understanding the importance of measuring learning and exploring myths and challenges of standardized tests.

    2.    Exploring the political economy of reforms focused on standardized tests.

    3.    Sharing the state of art of standardized tests in Central America.

    4.    Exploring the technical challenges of standardized testing and the communication and use of their results to improve learning.

    5.    Building a roadmap for the dissemination of standardized tests results to schools and their use for teacher training and school improvement plans.

    6.    Alternatives for supporting schools on the implementation of their school improvement plans.

    The conference was funded by the Russia Education Aid for Development (READ) Trust Fund. Established in October 2008, the READ Trust Fund is a collaboration of the Government of the Russian Federation and the World Bank. The program focuses on improving education quality and learning outcomes in low-income countries through the design, implementation, and use of robust systems for student assessment.

  • The agenda of the event can be found here.

    Speakers' list and bios (in Spanish) are available here.

    Images for download are available here.

    Conference materials (available in English and Spanish):


    Why measuring learning? Myths and challenges of standardized tests

    Rafael De Hoyos



    Political economy of the reforms focused on standardized assessments

    Roberto Dib



    Overview of standardized assessments in Central America




    Technical challenges of standardized assessments

    María José Ramírez



    Communication and use of standardized tests results

    María José Ramírez



    Dissemination of results of standardized tests in practice

    Bernardo Naranjo