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Tourism Knowledge Exchange 2017: Delivering on Inclusion Through Tourism
June 21, 2017World Bank Group | 1850 I Street NW, Washington DC Room I2-250

Sustainable tourism is no longer seen as a niche market but as a core contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Sustainable tourism has been included in targets to contribute directly or indirectly to the achievements of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The United Nations has designated 2017 as the International Year of “Sustainable Tourism for Development.” In the lead up to the UNWTO Jamaica Conference, co-sponsored by the Government of Jamaica, World Bank and Chemonics and supported by George Washington University, it is an ideal time for us to commit to inclusion through tourism. Worth US$7 trillion dollars, the travel and tourism sector accounts for nearly 10% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), represents 11% of all jobs and 7% of the world’s exports in goods and services.

Tourism is particularly important for emerging economies.  Tourism is the first or second source of export earnings in 20 of the 48 less developed countries (LDCs).  In terms of inclusiveness, tourism has a wide supply chain that includes transport providers, construction workers, agriculture producers, craftspeople, microbusinesses, and many others.   This gives the sector added value as a job creator, particularly in rural areas which may have few other options. Tourism is also one of the few sectors where youth and female labor participation is already above parity in some regions.

According to the International Labor Organization women make up between 60 to 70% of the labor force in the hotel sector alone.  The relevance, inclusiveness, and potential impact of tourism within development underlines the need to foster discussion and examine new approaches.

This event brings together global thought leaders and proven achievers to discuss the impacts of the shared economy and new systems for measuring tourism’s development impact and competitiveness.  The event is intended for planners, policy makers, and development professionals and will include expert presentations and a high degree of audience participation and discussion.


0930 - 1000

Breakfast  & Coffee (I Building 2-250)

1000 – 1030

Opening: – Year of Sustainable Tourism 2017 Tourism can be leveraged for development and inclusion and the World Bank Group has increased its work in this sector over the past 3 years. The Sustainable Year, this Exchange, and the Flagship Event to be hosted by Jamaica in November 2017 provide forums to learn, discuss and share. 

Ms. Anabel Gonzalez, Senior Director, Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice, World Bank Group

HM Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Government of Jamaica

1030 – 1130

Plenary Session 1: Inclusion - Shared Economy & Shared Value Chains

Improving inclusion of rural communities, local producers, and women owned businesses is already a hallmark of tourism.  However, more can be done and established players and new entrants have developed approaches to boost inclusion and deliver greater returns to the local economy. This session will discuss Airbnb’s impact in the sector and in particular with women hosts and rural properties, Jamaica’s efforts to promote inclusion through linkages and its impacts in the country, and Chemonics work in Jordan and a range of other countries fostering female entrepreneurship and cultivating community support for tourism growth.

Moderator:  Jose Ernesto Cordova Lopez, Practice Manager, T&C, World Bank Group


  • Clark Stevens, Director of Government Affairs and Strategic Partnerships, Airbnb
  • HM Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Government of Jamaica
  • Ibrahim Osta, Chief of Party, Chemonics International, USAID Building Economic Sustainability Through Tourism




1130 – 1230

Plenary Session 2:  Indicators, Data & Inclusion 

Policy decisions, government support for tourism growth, and evaluations for new investments by the private sector all require good data and benefit from indicators programs systems. The use of indicators, surveys, and Big Data are growing and improvements in each are driving better informed decisions across the public and private sectors.  WEF has just released their biennial Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report (2017) and will discuss the results. On the data side, the Harvard Institute of International Development is looking to expand our understanding of the economic importance and impact of the tourism sector on the economy through its work on spending patterns.

Moderator:   Cecile Fruman, Director, Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice


  • Tiffany Misrahi, Community Lead, Aviation & Travel Industries, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum
  • David O'Keefe, Country Manager – Brazil, LUCA Data-Driven Decisions, Telefonica (Big Data)
  • Michele Coscia, Center for International Development, Harvard University

1230 – 1300

Closing Highlights:

Summary of the discussions, final contributions and upcoming work and events at the World Bank Group and partner agencies.

Speaker: WBG Sustainable Tourism Solutions Group

  • Anabel Gonzalez

    Senior Director, Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice, World Bank Group
  • Tiffany Misrahi

    Community Lead, Aviation & Travel Industries, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum
  • Michele Coscia

    Center for International Development, Harvard University
  • Hon. Edmund Bartlett

    Minister of Tourism, Government of Jamaica
  • Ibrahim Osta

    Chief of Party, Chemonics International, USAID Building Economic Growth Through Tourism
  • Clark Stevens

    Director of Government Affairs and Strategic Partnerships, Airbnb
  • David O'Keefe

    Country Manager, Brazil, LUCA Data-Driven Decisions, Telefonica

Follow the event via hashtag #tourism4dev
