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Water Quality Testing: Everything You Always Wanted to Know
October 5, 2016Washington, D.C. & Online

Water quality is a universal concern, from lead pollution in Washington, D.C. and Flint, Michigan to fecal contamination in poor developing countries. Water quality affects development across sectors - from public health to nutrition, from agriculture to social resilience, from environment to natural resources and poverty. Yet the wide array of possible contaminants, testing methods and treatment options can be bewildering to researchers and project managers alike.

Dr. Mark Sobsey from the University of North Carolina will present on the importance of microbial water quality analysis in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, highlight key water quality parameters from a health perspective, outline innovative testing methods in low-resource contexts and discuss emerging and alternative treatment methods.

The presentation will be followed by a short overview of recent applications of water quality testing in World Bank projects and research in Liberia, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The event will conclude with a question & answer session to ask everything you’ve always wanted to know about Water Quality Testing.

Wednesday, October 5th  | 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Join in person | World Bank J 11-160 | For more information, please contact Aude-Sophie Rodella and Maximilian Leo Hirn at

Join WebEx meeting  |  Meeting number: 737 146 512 |  Meeting password:  CYmPQR3s

Join by phone: 1-650-479-3207 | Call-in toll number (US/Canada)


  • Mark Sobsey

    Dr. Sobsey studies human exposure to and health effects from pathogens (disease-causing microbes) in water, food and other environmental media. An important focus of this research is combining microbial detection of pathogens with the study of human health effects (such as diarrheal disease prevalence and incidence) in exposed populations in the developed and developing world. This allows a quantification of disease risks, the design and evaluation of interventions such as water treatment processes, and the implementation of risk assessments to inform policy decisions.
  • Aude-Sophie Rodella

    Aude-Sophie Rodella is a Senior Economist in World Bank's Water Global Practice who has worked across Latin America and is currently leading research on poverty and water access in West and Central Africa.
  • Maximilian Hirn

    Maximilian Hirn is an Economist with the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program, and has worked on water related investment and research projects in Africa for the past six years.

Download Presentations

Mark D. Sobsey

Kenan Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina

Water Quality Testing - Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Managing Water Safety


Maximilian Hirn

Economist, the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program 

Water Quality Testing - Practical Experiences 
