Social Safety Nets Core Course 2016 and Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo “Knowledge Program: Social Risk Management and DRM”
Social Safety Nets Core Course 2016 and Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo “Knowledge Program: Social Risk Management and DRM”
April 25-May 06, 2016Washington, D.C.

Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo produced video “Proud to Help: Japan’s Social Protection Model for Disaster Victims” showcased at the Social Safety Nets Core Course 2016

From April 25 to May 6, 2016, "Social Safety Net Core Course 2016" was held at World Bank Group Head Quarters. This two-week core course builds on the latest developments in safety nets as integral part of social protection systems, to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the conceptual and practical issues involved in the development of social assistance or social safety net programs. Participants include policymakers and policy analysts from Government agencies, NGOs involved in the implementation of social safety nets, and operational staff from the World Bank, as well as from bilateral and multilateral donor agencies.

At the Adaptive Social Protection session on May 6, Hideki Mori, Program Manager, Social Protection and Labour Global Practice, World Bank Group showcased the video on “Proud to Help: Japan’s Social Protection Model for Disaster Victims”, which was developed as part of “Knowledge Program: Social Risk Management and DRM (SRM and DRM) Project” under the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries. The video introduces how social protection instruments have supported people and communities around Tohoku in Japan to restore livelihoods and build resilience after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

As part of the Knowledge Program, SRM and DRM project team is currently developing operational toolkits and training support to help social protection and DRM practitioners better integrate these aspects into development projects. The toolkit will also be integrated into the World Bank's SRM training materials.


Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries

  • DATE: Monday, April 25, 2016 - Friday, May 06, 2016
  • VENUE: World Bank Group Head Quarters, Washington D.C.
