We are Planning Our Support for Tunisia and We Need Your Help

October 27, 2014


Having completed the political transition, Tunisia now faces the challenge of building an economy that provides opportunities for all Tunisians. At the World Bank Group, we want to do everything we can to support this process. The Tunisian government has launched a 5-year development plan, and we have a developed strategy to support that plan. Our strategy is called a Country Partnership Framework and it will cover the years 2016 to 2020.  

This is where we need your help.

One of the important lessons we learned from the Jasmine revolution is to listen more carefully, to a wider range of voices - especially when we are developing new strategies. We are redoubling our efforts to reach out to all members of the communities we intend to support, to give everyone an opportunity to voice their opinions on the new strategy, to let us know what might be missing, and what else we could be doing to help Tunisia achieve its goals.We are organizing a series of face to face consultations on our new strategy in Beja, Zaghouan and Tunis for the week of November 2nd 2015. We also invite you to provide your feedback online.

Please help us with your feedback on the following questions: 

  • What role should the World Bank Group play in supporting the government of Tunisia’s development plan?
  • Are the proposed areas of engagement (please see the graph below) appropriate?
  • Will they help Tunisia meet it current challenges?
  • What are the key risks and how might we prepare for them?
  • How can we improve the implementation of our program?
  • Are there things the World Bank Group could do differently?
Whether in person or on line, we need to hear from YOU. Your insight will help us deliver the right kind of help, to where it is most needed.


CPF Pillars and objectives

Overarching Goal 2016-2020:
Support Tunisia to renew is social contract
by defining a fair economic model with opportunities for all 

Restoring an environment conducive to sustainable growth and job creation

Reducing regional disparities

Promoting increased social inclusion and reducing fragility with an emphasis on youth

CPF Objective 1.1
Improving institutional efficiency and economic management
CPF Objective 2.1
Narrowing the gap in basic social and economic services
CPF Objective 3.1
Promoting voice, particiaption, transparency, and accountability
CPF Objective 1.2
Improving competitiveness
CPF Objective 2.2
Improving connectivity between lagging and leading regions 
CPF Objective 3.2
Fostering opportunities for Youth
CPF Objective 1.3
Promoting transformational infrastructure projects
CPF Objective 2.3
Enhancing economic opportunities in selected regions
CPF Objective 3.3
Facilitating the renewal of social contract through improved and more equitable social services
    CPF Objective 3.4
Reducing fragility through renewed regional integration

Cross-cutting themes:

Governance & Gender through the Private sector Lens


Disclaimer: While the World Bank Group encourages stakeholders to submit documents that could enrich the CPF dialogue via e-mail, it reserves the right to only upload relevant documents and emphasizes that publishing does not mean that the World Bank Group endorses the content of the documents.
