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Policy Documents

Disclosure Policy for the Integrity Vice Presidency

The new Disclosure Policy of the World Bank Group's Integrity Vice Presidency, approved by the Executive Directors on February 3, 2011, is now in effect.  The new policy was developed by INT in conjunction with the World Bank's Access to Information Policy, which calls for the development of separate disclosure regimes for certain groups, including INT.

Independent Advisory Board

Established in September 2008, the Independent Advisory Board (IAB) helps protect the independence and strengthens the accountability of INT by giving advice on policies and procedures and on the department's interactions within the World Bank Group.  It also provides advice to President Kim and the World Bank Group Audit Committee on the performance of INT.


This paper sets forth the World Bank Management's proposal to establish a cross-debarment regime, whereby firms and individuals debarred by one Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) may be sanctioned, for the same misconduct, by other MDBs participating in the regime.

Independent Panel Review of the World Bank Department of Institutional Integrity (The Volcker Panel)

An Independent Panel headed by former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was appointed by the World Bank in early 2007 to review the work of the Bank's Department of Institutional Integrity (INT).  The Panel considered INT's work in the broader context of the Bank's new strategy adopted earlier in 2007 to help borrowing countries develop effective governance and anticorruption programs.