The purpose of this RFI is to gather information on capabilities for a Survey Platform for field data collection and supports services for Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) surveys designed using Open Data Kit language. World Bank usage of survey data collection solution is based on open-source data collection and Open Data Kit tool.
World Bank survey evaluates the impact of its projects and those of other Multilateral Development Banks to help transform development policy, reduce extreme poverty and secure shared prosperity. The objective is to increase the use of impact evaluation (IE) in the design and implementation of public policy, to (i) improve World Bank- and other MOB-funded development projects and public policy to deliver better outcomes, (ii) strengthen country institutions for evidence-based policy making and (iii) generate knowledge in strategic development areas.
The solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Category Managers, referencing the following information:
1. Solicitation Number
2. Company Name
3. Contact Person Name and Title
4. Address
5. Telephone Number
6. Fax Number
7. Contact's Email Address
A copy of the solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to and are eligible to receive this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this solicitation shall be directed to both of the following designated Corporate Procurement Category Manager(s):
Shweta Mesipam at