The objectives of the assignment are to assess the major bottlenecks for introducing and mainstreaming DID/UA in World Bank infrastructure operations and to identify opportunities to scale up DID/UA beyond World Bank operations. The Consultant will consolidate existing initiatives and practices that have supported and/or applied UA across key infrastructure sectors at the World Bank; including those supported by QII; and analyze major challenges; success factors; and lessons learned. This diagnosis will help pinpoint key bottlenecks in mainstreaming UA and offer insights into unlocking the potential for scaling up UA. It will also serve as a resource base to develop a package of resources proposed as a “toolbox”. The toolbox is intended to enable and guide the World Bank task teams and clients interested in operationalizing UA by helping them understand inclusive infrastructure and UA value addition; collect necessary data; engage stakeholders; and incorporate UA into infrastructure investments from a broader spatial design perspective; with a strong emphasis on social considerations.