IFC seeks to recruit a firm to conduct a survey of smallholder farmers within five pre-identified value chains. The survey objective is to collect information required to identify key farmer risks, current coping mechanisms, insurance appetite, and potential insurance solutions that would benefit the farmers.The five pre-identified priority crops from which farmer samples will be drawn are: maize (1.17 million), cotton (338,504), sunflower (1.17 million), soybeans (50,000), and groundnuts (1.5 million). The estimated number of smallholder farmers in each of the previously mentioned priority crops is included in brackets. The priority crops have been identified based on the number of smallholder farmers involved, extent of active female participation, level of value chain organization, level of climate risk exposure, among other factors.This assignment is part of an IFC project launched in November 2021 to advice the Zimbabwean insurance regulator (IPEC) on the drafting of index insurance regulation. In addition, to improve IPEC and other players’ understanding of the index insurance landscape, IFC is also conducting the following:1. An assessment of the demand for index insurance among smallholder farmers and other value chain players that aggregate or provide services to these farmers.2. An assessment of the appetite for index insurance among insurance industry players as well as constraints to their involvement.The farmer survey assignment is expected to run for about 3 months. Activities will be phased as follows:1. Preparation2. Survey Development3. Presentation of Survey Results