Rénovation De L’immeuble Remplacement Des Ouvrants/ Replacement and Renovation of Windows

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Jun 20,2017 13:00
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Jul 20,2017 14:30
Rénovation De L’immeuble Remplacement Des Ouvrants/ Replacement and Renovation of Windows



La Banque Mondiale, dans son site parisien situé 66, avenue d’Iéna à Paris souhaite remplacer des vitrages pour tout ou partie des niveaux en superstructure. Les travaux se dérouleront en horaire normal de 8h00 à 18h00 pour certains niveaux, et pendant les weekends pour d’autres. Certaines interventions de modifications seront réalisées de nuit à partir de 22h00 jusqu’à 6h00.

La réalisation des travaux nécessitera le départ des occupants de la zone en travaux ; il conviendra donc de travailler niveau par niveau et zone par zone (une zone étant environ 8 fenêtres), une organisation des travaux par demi-niveau semblant très difficile à réaliser, du fait de l’organisation de la distribution primaire dans l’immeuble. Cette méthode permettra l’exécution des travaux dans de bonnes conditions, tant pour l’entreprise que pour les occupants de l’immeuble.

L’organisation générale des travaux devra débuter par une phase d’étude et de relevés par l’entreprise, notamment pour des prises de côtes, la mise en fabrication des fenêtres ou l’approvisionnement des équipements spécifiques.

Une fois les études terminées et les approvisionnements réalisés, les travaux in situ pourront alors démarrer ; nous prévoyons alors, pour chaque zone d’intervention, les étapes successives suivantes :

-      Installation de chantier et de sécurité,

-      Protection des installations à conserver,

-      Dépose des fenêtres et des coffrages des convecteurs qui sont conservés,

-      Pose des nouveaux vitrages, de l’isolation thermique, remise en place des coffrages existants et adaptation des ouvrages,

Cette organisation envisagée sera confirmée dans le cadre de la réponse de l’entreprise dans son mémoire. Tous les matériels utilisés devront être conformes aux normes françaises (AFNOR).


The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank) invites qualified firms to submit sealed bids to provide services associated with the World Bank’s requirement for the replacement and renovation of the windows located at the WBG Office 66 Avenue d’Iéna

75016 PARIS, Paris, France. Works will be done from 8:00 AM till 6:00 PM on weekdays for part of the floors, and on weekends for other floors. Some modification works will need to be done at night between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM.

Works will require that no occupant is in the area under construction. It will be necessary to work level by level and zone by zone (a zone being approximately 8 windows). A work planning by half-level seems very difficult to be achieved, due to the organization of the primary distribution in the building. This method will allow the execution of the works in good conditions, for both the contractor and the occupants of the building.

The planning of the works should begin with a study and survey phase done by the contractor, in particular for taking dimensions, manufacturing the windows or supplying specific equipment.

Once the studies have been completed and the equipment supplied, the site works can begin. It is foreseen, for each work zone, the following successive steps:

-     Site and safety installation,

-     Protection of existing equipment,

-     Removal of windows and fan coil covers that will be reused,

-     Installation of new glazing, thermal insulation, existing fan coil covers and adaptation of structures.

This planned phasing will be confirmed as part of the company's response in its submission.

All equipment used should be conform to the French norm (AFNOR).

Sample Mandatory Criteria:

1.      Evidence of minimum related sales revenue equivalent to €3 million per year, averaged over the last three (3) years, while performing as a General Contractor. 

2.      Evidence that the Firm is an actual Certified General Contractor, specializing in the provision and installation of windows.

3.      Resume of Proposed Project Manager, as an employee of firm and certified project manager.

4.      All terms and conditions of the draft contract are accepted by the Contractor.

Only firms that are able to meet the above mandatory criteria should request a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Once this office receives a completed and reviewed NDA, the IFB solicitation package will be forwarded. Please ensure that your firm is able to comply with the mandatory criteria, as any subsequent award would be made to a firm meeting these mandatory criteria as well as the additional criteria required by the IFB.

The documentation requested by the mandatory criteria above and within the IFB shall only be submitted with the firm’s bid submission package.

There is a Pre-Proposal Conference to be held as follows:

Date:             Tuesday, June 22, 2107

Time:            2:30 PM  CET

Location:      The World Bank Group

                       WBG Office

                       66 Avenue d’Iéna

                       75016 PARIS, Paris, France

Interested parties with submitted NDA are required to notify the Contracts Officer by email, of the names and titles of the two (2) people who will be attending on their behalf.  Minutes of the Pre-Proposal Conference listing questions and the related clarifications of the Solicitation Documents will be sent to the Offerors of record.

Interested firms meeting the mandatory criteria above are required to send their request for NDA package as per instructions provided below.

The NDA/solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Contracting Officer, referencing the following information:

1.     Solicitation Number

2.     Company Name

3.     Contact Person Name and Title

4.     Address

5.     Telephone Number

6.     Fax Number

7.     Contact's Email Address

A copy of the NDA/solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this NDA/solicitation shall be directed to the following designated Corporate Procurement Contract Officer(s):

Kathleen A. Kern at kkern@worldbank.org.  Additional Contract Officer, Chayut Matharupote at cmatharupote@worldbank.org

The World Bank Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Applications without Recourse. 
