Renewable Energy Certificates

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Feb 03,2022 10:32
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Feb 17,2022 17:00

Renewable Energy Certificates


The World Bank Group “WBG” invites interested parties to respond to an Invitation for Bid for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The RECs required for this procurement must meet the renewable resource definition of the Center for Resource Solutions’ Green-e Energy product certification and be certified to Green-e Renewable Energy Standard for Canada and the United States, v. 3.5 (2020). The RECs acquired stemming from this solicitation and meeting the specific requirements shall be delivered to the World Bank and IFC no later than March 31, 2022 along with accompanying verification and certificate forms.The RECS that the vendor provides must come from renewable resources that have been placed in service no earlier than January 1, 2012. There are no geographic restrictions related to the RECs provided to meet this requirement. 

3.1.2 Vintage: RECs under this contract must be generated during the period February 1, 2020 – July 31, 2021.

In addition, the renewable resources and accompanying RECs must meet the resource definition of the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e energy product and be Green-e products. To verify compliance, the World Bank requires the selected vendor to provide 3rd-party verification of the following information (using standard Green-e reporting format, and attestation templates/forms):

a) Verification of the product content:

a. Source of the renewable power

b. Zip code of the source

c. EGRID subregion for the source

b) Verification that:

a. The vendor has not sold the renewable power more than once (as either a renewable power product or as RECs), and in the case of a reseller that purchases a wholesale product for retail sale, reasonable measures are taken to ensure that suppliers also have not sold the renewable energy more than once;

b. All environmental attibutes, including any attendant emissions credits that are specifically owned by or to which the renewable power generator is otherwise entitled convey to the WBG.

c. The vendor has not sold any emission allowances/credits, or other environmental attributes which are specifically owned by or to which the renewable power generator is otherwise entitled to convey associated with renewable power; and

d. The renewable power that is used to fulfill the requirements of this solicitation is also not being used to meet any federal, state, or local renewable energy requirement, renewable energy procurement, renewable portfolio standard, or other renewable  energy mandate. 

The solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Category Manager, referencing the following information: 

1. Solicitation Number 

2. Company Name 

3. Contact Person Name and Title 

4. Address 

5. Telephone Number 

6. Fax Number 

7. Contact's Email Address 

A copy of the solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to and are eligible to receive this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this solicitation shall be directed to the following designated Corporate Procurement Category Manager(s):

Marilyn Davy at (



The WBG reserves the right to publicly disclose contract award information, including but not limited to, name of company receiving the award, brief description of services, and contract award amount, for any contract award valued over US$250,000. Offeror's proposal and contractual documents will remain confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure.

The World Bank reserves the right to reject any or all responses without recourse.
