Azerbaijan: Additional Financing for Second Highway Project

June 24, 2009

IDA Credit: US$62 million
Terms:  Maturity = 20 years; Grace period = 10 years
IBRD Loan: US$113 million
Terms:  Maturity = 20 years; Grace period = 4 years
Project ID: P100668
Project Description:  This financing will continue the Bank’s road program in the country to enable it to become a regional transit point and promote local development. Specifically, the financing will support rehabilitation of the Hajigabul – Bahramtepe road connecting an important agricultural region in the South West of Azerbaijan–home to significant portion of the country’s population–with the main urban centers. In addition to rehabilitating 116 km of highway, the project will support the improvement of about 200 km of local roads connecting the highway with nearby villages.

Media Contacts
Michael Jones
Tel : (202) 473-2588

