World Bank collaborates with partners in study group on updating democratic benchmarks
World Bank collaborates with partners in study group on updating democratic benchmarks
October 19, 2016Surrey, United Kingdom

A joint study group of partners in parliamentary strengthening convened in Surrey, UK to review the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)’s Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures in light of the aspirations set out in Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A joint study group of partners in parliamentary strengthening convened in Surrey, UK to review the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)’s Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures in light of the aspirations set out in Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 16 centers on peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development and the role of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Therefore, in collaboration with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the CPA convened a study group of leading experts in the field of parliamentary strengthening to review the CPA Benchmarks and continue with this seminal work in setting standards for parliaments. The group considered the development of a tool to help parliaments craft their reform agenda in line with the aspirations of SDG 16; increasing effectiveness, accountability, transparency and becoming more inclusive and responsive institutions. The organizations represented at the study group included: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA); Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD); National Democratic Institute (NDI); United Nations Development Program (UNDP); World Bank Group (WBG); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 
