Growth and Inclusion: The Path to Shared Prosperity
March 23, 2015MC C2-131, World Bank HQ

When and how does economic growth lead to real improvements in peoples' lives? The Social Progress Index has been designed to answer that question, measuring the performance of countries based on exclusively social and environmental indicators. Michael Green, Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative, will explain how the Index measures the inclusiveness of 132 countries and how it is being used by governments, businesses and civil society organizations to drive change.

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When and how does economic growth lead to real improvements in peoples' lives? The Social Progress Index has been designed to answer that question, measuring the performance of countries based on exclusively social and environmental indicators. Michael Green, Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative, will explain how the Index measures the inclusiveness of 132 countries and how it is being used by governments, businesses and civil society organizations to drive change. 

Welcome Remarks:

  • Joelle Dehasse Businger, Acting Country Director for the Maghreb Department in MNA (Middle East and North Africa) Region


  • Michael Green,  Executive Director, Social Progress Imperative


  • Maninder S. Gill, Director, Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice

Speaker’s Bio:

Michael Green is Executive Director of the Social Progress Imperative. An economist by training, he is co-author (with Matthew Bishop of 'The Economist') of Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World and The Road from Ruin: A New Capitalism for a Big Society. Previously Michael served as a senior official in the U.K. Government's Department for International Development, where he managed British aid programs to Russia and Ukraine and headed the communications department. He taught Economics at Warsaw University in Poland in the early 1990s. Michael is @shepleygreen on Twitter.  Watch his Ted Talk here.

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