South Asia High Level Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Health: Beyond the MDG Countdown
May 26-28, 2014Negombo, Sri Lanka

The World Bank is hosting the “South Asia High-Level Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Health: Beyond the MDG Countdown” on May 26-28, 2014, in Negombo, Sri Lanka.


The World Bank is hosting the “South Asia High-Level Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Health: Beyond the MDG Countdown” on May 26-28, 2014, in Negombo, Sri Lanka. The Forum aims to provide an opportunity for the countries in the South Asia Region to share experiences and learn the state-of-the-art knowledge about successful interventions that have accelerated the achievement of the fifth Millennium Development Goal, which aims to reduce maternal mortality. The Forum will discuss several topics including family planning, antenatal care, skilled birth attendance, and adolescent health. The Forum will also examine the key enablers and drivers of the successful strategies at the household, community, health service delivery and policy levels that may be useful for charting the post MDG agenda.

The Forum is also represented by H4 partners, namely, WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. It is expected to have about 80 participants from governments, experts, H4 partners, and the World Bank.

The sessions of the Forum will entail the following topics:

Population Challenges: Moving Forward - The various countries of the South Asia Region are all at different stages of their demographic transition, shifting from traditional to modern demographic regimes.  While some countries are still experiencing rapid population growth, other countries are facing challenges of population aging.  This session is to present and discuss the population challenges at the global, regional, and country levels (Bangladesh and Pakistan) and identify some of the strategies and policy interventions that are needed to turn the tide.

Households and Communities: Key Drivers of RH Results – This session discusses what has worked in improving RH outcomes at household and community levels. The topics include: Community Midwifery Training in Afghanistan; Role of men in family planning in Pakistan; and JSY for safe motherhood in India.

Health Services for Reproductive Health: Can We Do Better? – This session addresses innovations in RH service delivery in South Asian countries. The topics include: Cervical cancer prevention in Karnataka, India; Maternal health services in Bhutan, and Adolescent health services from UNICEF.

Acceleration Strategies towards MDG 5: Global Experience – In this session, participants of the Forum will have opportunities to learn evidences on what worked and what didn’t globally. The topics include: Success factors in RH; Maternal mortality challenges in Latin America; Evidences from impact evaluation of MCH interventions.

Reproductive Health and the Post MDG Challenges: Gearing Up – This session addresses remaining challenges and what can be done to accelerate countries’ progress in RH beyond the MDG 2015. The topics will include: Demand side financing for RH; Non-communicable diseases; RH services in the context of universal health coverage (UHC).

At the end of the second day of the Forum, there will be an opportunities for the government representatives and delegations from all eight South Asian countries to discuss what each government can do in improving RH outcomes in the respective countries, which will be presented in a special session on Wednesday. In the last session of the Forum, the H4 representatives will also discuss how best H4 can assist each country’s efforts.


Sunday May 25, 2014

4:00pm – 6:00pm                 Early registration (venue The Ballroom)

7:00pm – 10:00pm               Welcome Cocktail Reception and Dinner (venue TBA)


Monday May 26, 2014


8:00am – 9:00am                  Registration for those who did not register on Sunday afternoon

9:00am – 9:15am                  Opening and Introduction of Keynote Speakers

9:15am – 10:00am                Keynote Address: The Countdown to MDG5 and the Post-MDG Agenda:

Tim Evans, HNP Director, WB

Welcome Remarks: Dr. N. Jayathilake, Secretary, MOH, Sri Lanka TBC

10:00am – 11:00am             Setting the Expectations

                                         Chair:  Dr. Amal Harsha de Silva, Additional Secretary, Medical Services

                                          MOH, Sri Lanka TBC

                                           Panelists:     Julie McLaughlin, Sector Manager, South Asia HNP, WB

                                                             F.R. Mehta, Country Representative, WHO

                                                             Alain Sibenaler, Country Director, UNFPA

                                                             Una McCuley, Country Representative, UNICEF

11:00am – 11:30am             Coffee/tea break

11:30am – 1:00pm               Population Challenges: A Promise Renewed

                                          Panelists:     John May, Visiting Scholar, Population Reference Bureau

                                                            Christophe Lefranc, Technical Advisor, PD, UNFPA

                                                            Zeba Sathar, Senior Associate and Country Director, Population Council

                                                            Sameh El-Saharty, Senior Health Specialist, South Asia HNP, WB

1:00pm – 2:30pm                 Lunch

2:30pm – 4:00pm                 Households and Communities: Key Drivers of RH Results

                                          Panelists:     Khalil Ahmad Mohmand, Author, Community Midwifery, Afghanistan

                                                            Ali Mohammad Mir, Deputy Director, Population Council, Pakistan

                                                            Vikram Rajan, Senior Health Specialist, South Asia HNP, WB

4:00pm – 5:30pm                 Closed Meeting of WB Staff (coffee/tea break)


Tuesday May 27, 2014

09:00am – 10:30am             Health Services for Reproductive Health: Can We Do Better?

                                         Panelists:     Suneeta Krishnan, Social Epidemiologist, RTI International

                                                           Mangala Manandhar, Senior Public Health Administrator, DOH, Nepal

                                                           Sonam Wangdi, Planning Officer, RH Program, MOH, Bhutan

                                                           Tandin Dendup, Planning Officer, PPD, MOH, Bhutan

10:30am – 11:00am             Coffee/tea break

11:00am – 12:30pm             Acceleration Strategies towards MDG 5: Global Experience

                                         Panelists:     Gandham Ramana, Lead Health Specialist, Africa, WB

                                                           Puti Marzoeki, Senior Health Specialist, East Asia HNP, WB

                                                           Arachu Castro, Chair of Public Health in LAC, Tulane University

                                                           Somil Nagpal, Senior Health Specialist, South Asia HNP, WB

12:30pm – 1:30pm               Lunch

2:00pm – 3:30pm                 Reproductive Health and the Post MDG Challenges: Gearing Up

                                          Chair: Debrework Zewdie, Senior Advisor, Office of the President, WB

                                          Panelists: Paula Bulancea, Adolescent Health Specialist, UNICEF

                                                       Albertus Voetberg, Lead Health Specialist, South Asia HNP, WB

                                                       Somil Nagpal, Senior Health Specialist, South Asia HNP, WB

3:30pm – 4:00pm                 Coffee/tea break

4:00pm – 5:30pm                 County Team Meetings: Key actions to Improve Maternal and Reproductive                                                       Health Outcomes

Wednesday May 28, 2014

9:00am – 11:00am                Perspectives from the Frontlines: The Way Forward

                                          Chair: Julie McLaughlin, Sector Manager, South Asia HNP, WB

                                          Panelists: Government representatives from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,                                                       Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

11:00am – 11:30am             Coffee/tea break

11:30am – 1:00pm               The Untraveled Roads: Perspectives from the H4 Group

                                          Panelists:     Julie McLaughlin, Sector Manager, South Asia HNP, WB

                                                            F. R. Mehta, WHO Representative, WHO

                                                            Wame Baravilala, MH/RH Advisor, UNFPA

                                                             Paula Bulancea, Adolescent Health Specialist, UNICEF

1:00pm – 1:15pm                 Closing Remarks




