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Population, million


GDP, current $ billion


GDP per capita, current $


Life Expectancy at Birth, years 


Croatia's economic activity continues to show resilience, which is reflected in an accelerated convergence with average European Union (EU) incomes over the last three years. The country's GDP per capita is set to exceed 75% of the EU average in 2023, up by 9 percentage points. compared to 2019. The recent GDP growth acceleration is largely due to the booming tourism sector and the strong inflow of EU funds. Economic activity was also underpinned by supportive fiscal policy, strong labor market, and large inflows of workers’ remittances, which fostered robust personal consumption growth.

Over the last year, Croatia was, however, not spared from the adverse effects of inflationary pressures and tighter monetary policy, which weighed on business investments and external demand. Regardless of the significant economic progress, there remains ample room to improve the quality of the institutional framework and to address shortcomings in the business environment, two of Croatia's long-standing issues. Lifting potential growth through structural reforms that augment productivity over the next couple of years will be especially important in the context of possible reduction in EU funds available to Croatia in the post-2030 period. In addition, negative demographic trends and a tight labor market call for improvements in education and labor market policies to increase the labor supply and improve the quality of human capital.

Last Updated: Apr 19, 2024


Croatia : Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*

*Amounts include IBRD and IDA commitments


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Zagreb, Croatia
Radnicka cesta 80/IX
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
+385 1 2357 222