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publication June 26, 2018

Step by Step - Toolkit Promoting Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Children and Teens | Grade 11 Curriculum

The Step by Step toolkit, developed by the World Bank with external contributors, aims to equip teachers with resources that can help students from age 6-17 better understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, impulses and behaviors, form and sustain positive relationships, and make the most out of life by making responsible decisions and pursuing meaningful goals. The Step by Step toolkit offers a series of practical lessons and support materials designed to be implemented in the classroom by the teacher. Read more

Challenges in Grade 11

By the time they reach Grade 11, teens are preparing for the transition into adulthood. This means that they are developing a consistent set of values and beliefs that will help orient them in the future. As they approach eighteen years of age, they are better able to describe and discuss their personal value system, which may include religious, cultural, political, and family values. Adolescents are becoming less concerned with what their classmates think, and more concerned with understanding their own values. They are more capable of thinking about and reflecting on themselves and their future. Hormonal and mood changes begin to stabilize during this period, with extreme highs and lows typically diminishing or disappearing entirely. Adolescents are actively involved in romantic relationships that last longer than they did during early or middle adolescence. They have also begun thinking about forming their own families, and they generally have fantasies about the person whom they will marry, how many children they will have, and what their lives as adults will be like. Although they face situations and decisions as if they were adults, their brains have not yet completely matured and they continue to have problems with self-control and impulsiveness. It is not uncommon for them to make decisions without carefully considering the consequences or for them to live their lives thinking more about the present than the future.

Role of the Teacher

The teacher’s job in Grade 11 is to help students understand themselves and their future. Many of the decisions that they will begin to make at this point in time (such as what kind of job they aspire to have or whether they will pursue higher education) may potentially affect the rest of their lives.



Materials in English

Materials in Spanish

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 11

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 11

Student Workbook for Grade 11

Student Workbook for Grade 11

