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Climate Support Facility: Fast-Forward Climate Action

NDC and LTS Support

The NDC and LTS Support program is a strategic initiative within the CSF that seeks to promote and support the development, enhancement, and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term, Low-Emission Development Strategies (LTSs) in World Bank client countries. The NDC and LTS Support program builds off the work of the NDC Support Facility (NDC-SF), a multi-donor trust fund established in 2016 to assist countries in implementing NDCs pledged under the Paris Agreement. As the NDC-SF will be gradually phased out and closed in December 2022, new activities related to NDC implementation and enhancement will continue to be supported through the CSF’s NDC and LTS Support program. The CSF has already allocated $15 million to the program to be distributed across the Bank’s seven regional units.

Activities under this program will be implemented in close coordination with the country engagement process of the NDC Partnership, a global coalition of countries and institutions working together to mobilize financial and technical support to achieve countries’ climate goals and enhance sustainable development.

In addition to country-level activities, the NDC and LTS Support program contributes to analytics, knowledge sharing, capacity-building, and improving cross-sectoral coordination among government stakeholders, donors, and private sector entities. The program works with other trust funds at the World Bank, in and beyond the Bank’s Climate Change Group, to maximize financial leverage for in-country climate action.