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VideoOctober 4, 2023

Module 2 Video: The Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement

The second module of the Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement training program focuses on the gender dimensions of forced displacement. This training highlights key findings of the World Bank’s Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement (GDFD) research program and outlines how forced displacement affects the poverty risks and livelihoods of women and men differently, with a focus on the increased risks of intimate partner violence.


Dr Jeni Klugman - Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Jocelyn Kelly - Director of the Gender, Rights and Resilience (GR2) program at Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

Diana Jimenez Arango - Global Lead on Gender-based Violence, World Bank

Constanze Quosh - Senior Protection Officer, UNHCR

Verena Phipps - Social Development Specialist, World Bank

Last Updated: Feb 09, 2024