WASHINGTON, November 27, 2017 — The World Bank has suspended disbursements from the IDA Credit for all civil works related to the Second Additional Financing for the High-Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (ProRoutes) Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This follows very serious allegations in the Bukavu-Goma area, including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against community members, poor working conditions, and concerns about project-related engagement with quarries and borrow pits. The overall management of social and environmental issues is not in compliance with the Borrower’s safeguards obligations and calls for immediate action.
In taking this action, the World Bank is working with the Congolese authorities and SGBV support service providers to ensure that survivors of alleged SGBV have access to adequate care and support, and emphasizing to the DRC authorities that this is a top priority. The Bank is also continuing its efforts with the authorities, Contractor, and the communities to help ensure the other breaches of safeguards are remedied. The Bank is continuing to support the other project activities that focus on social and environmental management and oversight, risk mitigation, monitoring and institutional strengthening, which are not covered by the suspension.
About the High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance Project
On February 18, 2016, the World Bank approved an International Development Association (IDA) credit of $125 million as a second additional financing for the High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (ProRoutes) Project. The additional support focuses on maintenance of roads re-opened under the original Project and the reopening of three new road sections: the Komanda-Bunia-Goli road; the Beni-Kasindi road; and the Bukavu-Goma road (about 146 kilometers), linking North and South Kivu regions.