ALGIERS, December 12, 2023 – More frequent forest fires, floods, and earthquakes have caused substantial human and economic losses in Algeria, says a new joint study from the World Bank and the National Delegation for Major Risks, which identifies priority actions that could help to boost Algeria’s resilience to future climate and disaster risks.
Titled, “Diagnostic on Climate and Disaster Risk Management in Algeria,” the study looks at the economic impact of disasters in the country and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of Algeria’s current disaster risk management efforts.
The Algerian government estimates that annual spending over the past 15 years to address floods, earthquakes, and forest fires averages around USD 255 million (DZD 35,14 billion), with about 70% allocated to floods. Looking ahead, the study forecasts that disaster losses could average around 0.7% of the country's GDP per year, nearly double the historical average. This increase is largely due to the potential of a devastating earthquake in urban areas, which are experiencing rapid population growth and are most exposed to such events.
"The findings of this report underscore the urgency and importance of strengthening disaster risk management in Algeria. The report offers recommendations and priority areas for action that can guide government interventions and mobilize support from development partners," said Mr. Kamel Braham, World Bank Resident Representative to Algeria.
Algeria has adopted numerous policies, regulations, and plans, in recent years, to prepare for and respond better to disasters. While there has been much progress, more remains to be done to deepen climate and disaster risk knowledge, promote investments to reduce the risks of floods and forest fires and strengthen early warning systems. Other areas for improvement include inter-institutional coordination and information-sharing, and the promotion of natural disaster insurance.
"The partnership between the World Bank and the National Delegation for Major Risks reflects our collective dedication to strengthening disaster risk reduction and resilience in Algeria. The recommendations delineated in the study will guide our decision-making and help us prioritize activities to safeguard our communities,” said Professor Hamid Afra, National Delegate for Major Risks.