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LOANS & CREDITS September 14, 2020

Uganda - Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers Program - Additional Financing

IDA Additional Credit: US$ 240 million equivalent

Maturity: 38 years    Grace: 6 years

IDA Additional Grant: US$ 60 million equivalent

Project ID: P172868

Project Objectives Description: The program development objective for the original Program is to improve the adequacy and equity of fiscal transfers and improve management of fiscal resources by Local Governments for education and health services. The Uganda IFT AF Program has expanded the existing sectoral scope to water/environment, micro irrigation services, and integration of services in refugee settlements into the LG system. The revised project development objective is to improve the adequacy, equity and effectiveness of financing and the oversight, management and delivery of LG services in education, health, water and environment, and micro irrigation, including refugees and their host communities.

For more information about this project, visit

