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The Go-To Place for Climate Change Solutions


Photo: World Bank / Simone D. McCourtie

In two weeks, Frankfurt, Germany will be the place to be for the latest on climate-smart investment, markets and innovation.

When it comes to climate change, we know the ‘what’: the enormous challenge and cost of limiting the rise in global temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. But we still need to drill down on the ‘how’: how will we achieve this goal within the financial limitations that we face?

The public sector alone cannot address the huge climate finance gap. Private finance must be part of the solution. The good news is that responding to the climate crisis can involve significant investment potential, and the annual Innovate4Climate (I4C) event – this year held from May 22 to 24 - is the place to capture the pulse on climate investment, climate finance and climate markets.

In 2016, IFC estimated that the national climate targets of 21 emerging market economies alone represent $23 trillion in investment opportunities, further driving innovation and financing to support low-carbon industries and greener jobs growth. This year at I4C, business, finance, policy and technology leaders will gather to discuss innovative approaches to mobilizing climate finance to achieve those targets.

"Innovate4Climate creates a much-needed space for public and private actors to come together to collaborate around solutions to the greatest challenge of our times. This has become the go-to place for sharing inventive, innovative and non-traditional approaches to financing climate solutions."
John Roome
Senior Director for Climate Change, World Bank

A one-day, high-level summit on May 23rd will look at how to accelerate climate investment from four angles: the role of capital markets, the influence of disruptive technologies, the success of country action, and the power of public-private partnerships. The summit will be buoyed by a robust workshop program that will draw experts on the business case for climate investment, innovative tools for climate change resilience, finance & policy for country climate action, and the important role of climate markets in achieving cost-effective mitigation.

I4C will also include a dynamic “Marketplace”, where approximately 40 exhibitors – from leading governments and industry groups, to clean energy firms and carbon traders – will showcase their strategies and technologies for driving the fight against climate change.

Building on the success of its inaugural year in 2017, we look forward to welcoming the world’s climate leaders and pioneers to Frankfurt to continue to #Innovate4Climate. We hope to see you there!


Selection of Workshops at I4C 2018


The full workshops program is available here.
