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Factsheet February 19, 2019

Morocco: New Country Partnership Framework 2019-2024

The Kingdom of Morocco is at a critical juncture in its development. Under the leadership of His Majesty, King Mohammed VI, a new development model is under preparation to set the country on track to meet the challenges of global competition, national social cohesion, job creation and human capital development. 

To define the critical areas of World Bank Group’s engagement and support to Morocco’s long-term development goals, a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) has been launched for the years 2019-2024. The CPF builds upon the priorities of the government program (2017-2021) and on the WBG’s comparative advantages based on lessons learnt from the previous Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) 2014-2017, extended analysis of Morocco’s current challenges and opportunities, and consultations with a large set of national constituencies.

Morocco: New Country Partnership Framework 2019-2024 - Factsheet in PDF format