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IEG50: Celebrating 50 Years of Independent Evaluation at the World Bank

September 14, 2023
Washington DC and Online

On July 1, 1973, then World Bank president Robert McNamara announced the establishment of a wholly independent unit, the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) – now known as IEG, for Independent Evaluation Group. Over the years, independent evaluation has emerged as a crucial part of the World Bank’s accountability and learning process. It has been a game-changer, constantly evolving to address the key questions of what is working, why, and for whom.  

Today, IEG celebrates its 50th anniversary with a series of engaging discussions. We will dive into the journey of independent evaluation and explore how it can adapt to support the development of the new World Bank playbook. We are entering a phase where we need fresh approaches to assess progress on Global Public Goods, while staying focused on the development goals of our partner countries. In a world facing multiple crises, building up the abilities of our partner countries to make evidence-driven decisions is more vital than ever. 

Join us on September 14 to learn more about IEG and its critical role in ensuring that the World Bank evolves with its clients’ needs. 

  • 8:30 AM-8:45 AM EDT (In-person)
    Welcome coffee, Preston Auditorium
  • 8:45 AM-9:00 AM EDT (Hybrid)
    Opening Remarks, Sabine Bernabè, Director-General, Evaluation, Independent Evaluation Group
  • 9:00 AM-9:45 AM EDT (Hybrid)
    Independent Evaluation: Learn from the Past to Inform the Future
  • 10:00 AM-11:00 AM EDT (Hybrid)
    Director General Roundtable
  • 11:15 AM-12:00 PM EDT (Hybrid)
    Fireside Chat: Better Evidence for Better Policies
  • 12:30 PM-1:00 PM EDT (Hybrid)
    Inauguration of IEG@50 Exhibit


  • Date: September 14, 2023
  • Time: 8:30AM - 1PM ET
  • PHYSICAL LOCATION: Preston Auditoium, World Bank HQ
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