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Women’s Economic Empowerment: The Role of Public and Active Transportation

March 27, 2023

Click the play button above to watch a replay of the March 27th live event.

There is increasing recognition that deficiencies in the public transport system and walking/bicycling infrastructure impact men and women differently and can create worse employment outcomes for women than for men. While transport systems have been shown to play a significant role in women’s participation in the labor force globally, this topic has been little explored in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA).

The objective of this session is to shed light on the role that public transport and active mobility play in women’s access to economic opportunities. The session will combine both the global and the MNA specific perspectives, bringing academics and practitioners together to discuss the topic. The event will start with a presentation of a forthcoming research paper from the MNA Transport Unit titled “The ABC of the role that public transport plays in women’s economic empowerment”, followed by a panel discussion on the topic.


  • Date: Monday, March 27, 2023
  • Time: 8:00-9:00am EST
  • Location: Virtual