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World Bank at the World Urban Forum 11 (WUF11)

June 26-30, 2022
Katowice, Poland
Invitation to join the World Bank at the World Urban Forum 11

Established by UN-Habitat, the World Urban Forum is the premier international conference on sustainable urbanization and urban issues.

The theme of the eleventh session of World Urban Forum (WUF11), Transforming Our Cities for a Better Urban Future, focuses on raising important questions about the future of cities, including what form they should take, and the kind of cities needed to support the future of humanity.

Join us from June 26-30, as World Bank specialists lead or participate in a series of discussions with global partners, ranging from governments and civil society to the private sector and academia in the city of Katowice, Poland.

This edition of the World Urban Forum will feature dialogues on urban crisis prevention and response, special sessions on green resilient cities and climate change, while also hearing the voices of cities.

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