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BRIEF June 27, 2023

Tanzania Citizen Engagement Platform (TCEP)


The Tanzania Citizen Engagement Platform is aimed at enhancing World Bank-Government-CSO engagement and country development effectiveness in regard to the World Bank portfolio by bringing together government, members of civil society groups and academia, development partners and citizens to discuss critical development issues within the parameters of the Tanzania Country Partnership Framework. TCEP is a Multi-Stakeholder Platform.

4th Session of the Tanzanian Citizen Engagement Platform: Inclusive Access to Finance for Women

June 7, 2023

The fourth TCEP event focused on Inclusive Access to Finance for women. This was followed by a workshop organized by the Women, Business and the Law Initiative. The session discussed the existing challenges and emerging opportunities in providing financial services to women. It also touched on regulatory issues, access and affordability issues, and social norms  that hinder women’s access to finance. The workshop disseminated the Tanzania findings from the 2023 Global Women Business and the Law project. It discussed the legal barriers affecting women in Tanzania across 8 key dimensions (Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, Pension) as well as potential ways forward. The session was attended by over 80 diverse stakeholders from government private sector, digital development professionals, mobile service providers, financial service providers civil society, women and gender organizations, women owned businesses, legal professionals and UN and international agencies.

3rd Session of the Tanzanian Citizen Engagement Platform: Scaling up and mobilizing climate finance for adaptation and resilience in Tanzania

October 6, 2022

The third TCEP event focused on scaling up and mobilizing climate finance for adaptation and resilience in Tanzania, and followed a workshop organized by the vice president’s office and supported by the World Bank on conceptualizing and strategically mapping the future of climate change activities in Tanzania. The session discussed challenges and opportunities for scaling up climate finance in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar and was attended by 100 participants drawn from government ministries, departments and agencies, United Nations, embassies, civil society, international organizations, and the private sector working on climate change matters.

2nd Session of the Tanzania Citizenship Engagement Platform: “Digital Development in Tanzania”

November 10, 2021

The second TCEP session focused on Digital Development in Tanzania which was the special topic of our 14th Tanzania Economic Update and in the context of the recent World Bank Board approval of the Digital Tanzania Project. The session discussed the progress, potential and barriers to building digital foundations and leveraging these for shared prosperity. The event was held virtually via Zoom with approximately 70 participants drawn from academia, sector-relevant civil society organizations and private sector representatives.

Inaugural Event

May 28, 2021

The inaugural TCEP session was held virtually on Friday, May 28, 2021, with the participation of several high-level Government of Tanzania officials, as well as more than 40 representatives of civil society organizations, and individual activists. It is envisaged that at least three TCEP events will be organized per calendar year. The objective is to promote continuous engagement and feedback.