The World Bank is conducting a diagnosis on the adoption of technology at company level in Cambodia. The exercise will survey current use of technologies by companies in Cambodia and identify the barriers and challenges to adopting technological business solutions. The information collected will help improve public policies and programs to increase the productive capacity of firms.
This survey is part of a global project led by the World Bank's Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) team and has already been implemented in 11 other countries.
Data will be collected between February and March 2022 by Nuppun Research and Consulting, by surveying selected companies of different sizes and from various sectors. The average interview duration is 40 minutes, and the World Bank guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of all information collected.
This is an important opportunity to express your opinion on this topic. If your company has been contacted, please participate.
For more information contact:
Mr. Tha Chanthan, Survey Manager, 011-557-761 (MobiTel, Telegram),
Mr. Khin Pisey, Managing Director, 017-888-631 (MobiTel, Telegram),